
Thursday, May 15, 2014

When I'm My Best Self

The idea for this came out of my having a bad day. The judgements in my head have been spinning out of control and the tapes of the past are trying to drown out my own voice. This is why I wrote it all out, all the ugly truths of who I can be.

In writing about my worst self, the words at first came fast and furious. All these horrible things about myself. Yet as I kept writing I started to hear my voice again. My voice telling me who I am when I am my best self.

When I'm My Best Self

My best self is kind

gentle, compassionate

She values herself

beauty and scars, growth and tantrums, 

She sees good in others

extending kindness, mercy, grace, and love,

She is light

shining in darkness, holding out hope, standing, dancing, a beacon

She is brave

unashamed, whispering truths and roaring at injustice, 

She is creative

outside the box, breathing in colour, living in words

She is tenacious

relentless in pursuit of wholeness

She is organized

Thriving on routine and structure, carefully planning, balanced

She has empathy

seeing, feeling, believing the pain of others, holding their hearts and stories in hers

She is humanity at it's best

Loving herself and others well, being true to herself

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